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About Go:

First off, she needs a name. This little bucket of girly-curiosity just hasn't told me what it is yet. So don't worry, Gowanwityo will go...I can't spell it anyway...
Go is the ultimate Agouti Cutie. She's beautiful, curious, and will lick you if you scratch her well enough (hey, rats have standards!). She's also Leyla's friend, sister, and bodyguard. If she doesn't do it, accept it, like it...neither will Leyla. They're like the stubborn twins ;o)

Gowanwityo and Leyla sisters together

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All content contained herein © 1996-2007 by Andrew Waltz, Nathalie Baldwin, & the rats of RatRaisins, Inc.  
Use of images and/or text without permission is prohibited.