Cage Buying Guide.
Cheap ways to entertain yourself and your rats.
Give your rats the world as their playpen, and find the whole crew stashed in a tiny box.
Nesting Material.
Rat Raisins
Rats have a nose for expensive goods.
Rats love Rodent Wheels.
There is nothing more comfortable than a rat pillow/blanket combination.
We know where the term "Pack-Rat" comes from.

tip: When navigating through the RatTails,
clicking on the image that looks like the image above
will take you back to this table of contents!

Disclaimer: There are many non-sarcastic accounts and tips on the web regarding rat care. This is not
one of them. These are merely accounts of our experiences with rats, our perceptions of these experiences, where we've failed
and where we've succeeded. These accounts are here for two purposes:
2) To help avoid repetition of mistakes
Remember! Your rat is not a science project, he is your friend!