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Useful Information

Rat Guide
(Everything, and I mean everything you need to know)

Layman's Medical Guide

Virginia's Rat Page

RMCA Drug Usage Chart


Rat Planet

Pet Rat Information Sheet

RMCA Rat & Mouse FAQs

Le Coin des Rats

Rats Rule - Why, Yes they do!

Debbie is the Rat Resource!

Rat 911 - Assorted Useful Links

Missy's Very Helpful Medical Tips

Sandra Beasley's
Alternative Medicine for Rats

Fancy Rats

Fat Rat Central

Useful Info - Lots of it!

Medical-type photos in My Portal

Just the Rats, Ma'am

Rat Pet Support!

Fancy Rat Colors

Rattus-The WWW-version (Virtual Mating)

Rescue & Adoption
Ratty Friends
Rat Eye Candy
Useful Information
Breeders & Clubs
The Rest

All content contained herein © 1996-2007 by Andrew Waltz, Nathalie Baldwin, & the rats of RatRaisins, Inc.  
Use of images and/or text without permission is prohibited.