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Rats: In Our Buildings.

Peter D. Sealey: "I bet you there was 200 rats up there jumping around alive and well. Just turds this deep. On top of where they make the pizzas."

  • That's actually great news: If they were jumping around all dead and distraught, I'd be concerned.
  • What really concerns me is the "turds this deep" part: You mean to tell me that rats were in this kitchen for so long that they were able to make a PILE of raisins and the Department of Health never bothered to shut this place down? Don't you think the customers were even remotely concerned when their pepperoni pizzas came with free extra raisin toppings? I find this incredibly hard to believe...

Terrance Powell: "We had a call once for a problem in a home in a very upscale community. I think the average price of the homes were running 2 million dollars. When we arrived at the home we found that the occupants were somewhat disfunctional. It was a wife who was an agorophobic. It turned out that they were not very tidy. In the trade we would call them pack-rats, where they accumulate material in the house, to the point that you couldn't see the furniture through the amount of debris. There was a severe tree rat population in the house. And it was so severe that the rats weren't coming in but they were breeding and going out into the community. And the rats had essentially taken over the house. ... After we tented the house, we removed 20 tons of material from this house that had to be discarded..."

    I'm really glad Terrance mentioned this. Too often we hear about how rats are a problem, a problem that is simply out of our control. It seems quite evident that we're the ones out of control.
    These tree rats weren't just cruising up and down this neighborhood looking for a house to break into. If it was that simple, the owners of the house would have discovered the rats when there were only one or two of them. Trapping these two rats after determining their point of entry and after closing up that point of entry, would have solved the problem. But because the owners of the house were "pack-rats" they never knew there was a problem and their way of living not only hid the rats from their view, but provided the rats with enough of a smorgasbord and enough protection, to convince them that it was safe to set up shop.
    To reiterate: The problem is not the rats. The problem is us!

Commentator: "Despite the perception that rats are slum dwellers, rats don't discriminate when it comes to seeking refuge."

    Actually, they do discriminate:
      Rats like a quiet dwelling like we do.
      Rats like to feel secure like we do.
      Rats enjoy heat like we do.
      Rats are lazy like we are - they don't like to go through a lot of effort for very little reward.
      Rats like to know that food is available to them for when they might become hungry...just like we do.
      Rats like to know that they and their family will be well cared for, just like we do.
    That, my friend, is discrimating taste. But you're right: When it comes to concerning themselves with the physical beauty of a given place, they don't care. I guess you could say that we could learn something from them.


Rats: Scary.

Rats: Loathsome Pests.

Rats: In Our Buildings.

Rats: Attacking People.

Rats: What They Chew (And Don't Chew).

Rats: Favorite Pasttimes.

Rats: Intelligence.

Rats: Cannibals.

Rats: Personal Hygeine.

Rats: Pet vs. Wild.

Rats: History.

Rats: Adaptive.

Rats: Reproduction.

Rats: The People Who Love Them.

Animal Hoarders

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All content contained herein © 1996-2007 by Andrew Waltz, Nathalie Baldwin, & the rats of RatRaisins, Inc.  
Use of images and/or text without permission is prohibited.