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Rats: Personal Hygeine.

Peter D. Sealey: "They're dirty. Crappy. Kill 'em all."

    I have such a budding respect for this guy. It's a hemorrhoidal bud, but it's a bud. I'd hate to know what he thinks about humans!


Rats: Scary.

Rats: Loathsome Pests.

Rats: In Our Buildings.

Rats: Attacking People.

Rats: What They Chew (And Don't Chew).

Rats: Favorite Pasttimes.

Rats: Intelligence.

Rats: Cannibals.

Rats: Personal Hygeine.

Rats: Pet vs. Wild.

Rats: History.

Rats: Adaptive.

Rats: Reproduction.

Rats: The People Who Love Them.

Animal Hoarders

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All content contained herein © 1996-2007 by Andrew Waltz, Nathalie Baldwin, & the rats of RatRaisins, Inc.  
Use of images and/or text without permission is prohibited.